Hidayah itu milik Allah, hanya Dia sahaja mengetahui segala apa yang berlaku di dunia ini. Tiada yang dapat menandingi kekuasaannya. Jika seseorang telah dipilih untuk menerima hidayah, terimalah dengan hati yang terbuka.
Begitulah apa yang telah dialami oleh pasangan muallaf warganegara Singapura yang baru memeluk agama islam pada minggu lepas. Mereka adalah Muhammad Daniel Lim (Cedric Lim) serta isterinya Siti Khairiyah Wang.
Daniel sebelum ini merupakan seorang Ateis (Tidak percaya kepada konsep ketuhanan). Dia memperutukkan masa selama 10 tahun mendalami ilmu agama dari pelbagai jenis anutan yang ada di seluruh dunia. Pencariannya termasuk melalui kitab taurat, kitab anutan agama Buddha, kitab hindu malahan kitab berunsurkan Satanism turut dikajinya.
Namun, hidayah Allah mula menyinggah di hatinya selepas berbual bersama seorang sahabatnya yang beragama islam tentang konsep ketuhanan. Daniel pada mulanya memberitahu sahabatnya bahawa dia tidak percaya kepada konsep ketuhanan serta percaya tidak ada tuhan. Selepas itu, sahabatnya mencelah serta menyatakan bahawa dia sudah separuh jalan daripada islam.
Ini kerana, di dalam islam, tiada tuhan selain Allah SWT yang mencipta segelanya. Allah SWT adalah mutlak, tiada jantina, tiada ibu bapa atau anak dan tiada apa kamu boleh bayangkan. Lantaran itu, Daniel cuba mengkaji islam melalui Kitab Al-Quran serta cuba mencari kesilapan yang ada di dalam al-Quran. Dia sedar semakin dia mencari kesilapan, semakin dekat dirinya terhadap islam serta menemui bahawa isi kandungannya tidak pernah berubah.
Di bawah ini adalah perkongsian penuh milik Muhammad Daniel Lim atau Cedric Lim yang ditulis olehnya dan disiarkan melalui Facebook.
Hi everyone and Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh to all my muslims friends. Many of you have asked me why have I together with my wife have converted/reverted to Islam. Some of you are shocked or surprised on why a religious skeptic like I used to be who used to be anti-religion, death/black metal fan (still a fan) and used to think religion was bs, etc will end up becoming a muslim. I am really surprised myself and I never expected that I will make a decision like this.
I’m trying to cut my very long story short, please bear with me if you want to know why. Btw my wife is not Malay like how some people thought, she is chinese. I come from a non-religious / buddhist family and my wife was a Christian.
I took more than a decade to study various religions and scriptures. Some examples are Buddhist scriptures (Mahayana, Theravada, Sokka), Taoism (Dao De Jing), Hinduism (The Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana etc), Judaism (Torah), Christianity (Bible Old & New), Zoroastrainism (Avesta), Satanism (Anton LaVey Satanic Bible), Confucianism, Pastafarism (Flying Spaghetti Monster). Back then, the ones that i felt more connected to were the Buddhist philosophies (I dont consider it to be a religion), Torah and Bible. I could accept the description of our creator/maker/God of Abraham in the Torah and Bible but was never drawn to being religious due to uncountable questionable practice by different people. I rather live life in denial for a moment to believe that there is no God and I can do without any religion back then.
One day while discussing about religion with a muslim friend, I realised that I did not read the Quran at all. I told him I believe that there is no God and he replied ”You already halfway a muslim if you believe that there is no God, because muslims believe that there is no God but only the creator/maker of all existence and the name of our maker is Allah. He is eternal, he is absolute, neither male/female, no parents/son and nothing you can ever imagine of ”. I was like WHAT? and being curious, therefore I started my study on Islam and I happen to meet another friend who bought me a Quran translated to english.
I started to read the Quran to find fault and with intention to tell my friend that the religion is wrong. End up the more I question, the more I’m questioning myself and I’m being cornered by undeniable facts. I found out that the Quran is the ONLY book which is preserved in its original language in Arabic word for word with absolutely no changes for 1400+ years. There is no old/new/revised/edited/changed version. Over 1/4 of all human beings in the world are muslims and millions memorised the Quran by heart.
I found many scientific facts in the Quran and about 80% are compatible with modern science and not even a 0.001% proven wrong by scientists. About 20% ambiguous, neither right nor wrong. My logical mind tells me that if 80% of the scientific facts (physics, chemistry, embryology, water cycle, deep sea, astronomy, natural medicine, human anatomy, all living things made out of water, big bang, sky, plants, animals, date palms and many more) are proven by modern science to be 100% correct since 1400+ years ago without modern technology, it is logical to believe that the Quran is 100% correct and its our book of life from the creator.
Lastly, surprise! Jesus was mentioned the most in the Quran with great detail with his mother Mary. I finally got to understand the Torah and Bible better through the Quran. My way of describing it is like watching a 3 season drama. You have to watch all 3 seasons to the final to get the whole story, not just season 1 or 2 or 1+2. I’m glad i watched all seasons.
Thanks for reading, peace be upon all of you.
Jangan ketinggalan sebab download dekat seeNI je senang.